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How to Create Android App Without Coding

There are top websites that can accomplish this task for you in few minutes, and those sites are what I’ll be revealing to you.

How to Create Android App Without Coding

So, let quickly take a look at the 5 best sites to create android apps.

1. Appyet

This is another site that can help generate an android app for your brand. With Appyet, you can get a professional android app in 5 minutes without a single programming knowledge. All you need to do is to provide them with the rss/atom of your website, and the app is ready.

2. AppsGeyser

AppsGeyser is a very popular site to create android apps. Most internet marketers do make use of this website to create android apps for their branded product. You don’t need to have a single knowledge of coding before you can use the website. Simply visit the website, create an android app for free, distribute for free and even get paid for the ads placed on your app.

3. Appyie

Appyie is yet another sure website to create android apps. In this website, there is room for monetization for your app, push notification, analytics and others. Simply visit their website and get started.

4. BuzzTouch

This is another great website that can create you a mobile app in few minutes. With this website, you can easily get your android app ready. The website also has room for creating iOS apps.

5. Appclay

You can easily create both android and blackberry 10 applications with Appclay. Other features of the site include creation of shopping apps, website apps, blog app and others.

That’s all on how to create any android app without having a single knowledge of coding.

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