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How to Install a Blogger Template

Blogger templates can be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences, but they provide a good starting point for creating a professional…

Best Email Subscribe Widget for Blogger

A Feedburner email subscription widget can bring a huge number of visitors on your blog. Visitors are subscribed in your blog via their email and the…

How to Download Multiple Files on Android in One Click

Advanced Download Manager & Torrent downloader is the best tool to download files at speed many times faster without any support tools. With this…

Best File Explorer to Zip and Unrar your Files

ES File Explorer Pro allows any Android user to manage all of their files easily, access anything on their mobile device, and then share it if they s…

How to Build ur Programming Skills

Build your programming skills in a fun way. Learn to code with a game-like learning experience. The era of technology is developing more and more, so…

Letsencrypt SSL let You Enable HTTPS on Your Websites

Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority that offers digital certificates which can be used to enable https (ssl/tls) on websites for free, including…

Unique Features of Mozilla Firefox

When creating a website or blog, often usually we use external tools which can be used online to help create, improve or check out a blog. Such as ch…

How to Solve all Troubleshooting on Android Smartphone

Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscre…
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